Spring snowshoeing hiking

Life is often stressful and scheduled. Every day work, duties and also pleasure are strictly scheduled and life can be considered tiring. The incredible energy which is “supplied” by a mountain hiking like the one we did on Sunday makes your heart in peace with the world. At least this is how I normally feel after a day spent in the nature, getting tired, filling my eyes with the “extreme” beauty of Nature. This specific hike was special because it was a spring snowshoeing hiking. Normally in this period the snow already melt but not this year.

The spring is already arrived but the snow still covers most of our mountain land here in Italy. We decided than to have the last snowshoesing hiking of the year, climbing the Pintas Peak(2543m).
The lanscapes were amazing: blue and white. With the esception of the red beautifull ladybug lost in the snow at more than 2000m. The snow was very soft and we had sever problem to proceed, sinking into the wet snow with every step. Anyway the hiking was spectacular and, as usual, as much as the target is difficult to reach the more is the satisfaction.

The most beautiful thing is that every hiking I do, after every trekking, I am surprised and amazed about the strong energy I receive. All the time is like if it was something new! The nature is always able to surprise me! That is why I love hiking. That is why I thanks God every day I born in this beautiful area in Italy, in front of the Alps.


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