Patagonia: travel adventures in absolute Natural beauty

Hiking is not the only topic of this blog. This blog is the house of all the travel adventures and this post describes the universal beauty of Nature. Travelling is another passion very much connected with the wandering in the mountains. And there are few mountains as beautiful as the Patagonian ones. Visiting these huge lands the sense of smallness is big. FitzRoy Peak (or El Chaltèn, as the Mapuche were calling it before the invasion of Europeans  amazed me more than expected. I was travelling alone and the sense of freedom and happiness “sensed” in that particular trip make me feel one with the earth. Came back to Europe I was watching the Mother Land(Pacha Mama as the native said) with different eyes. And I never stop, falling in love deeply with the nature. Feeling as it was the first time, the breath of wind and the heat of the sun. And I was aware that Alps were not so different from the Andes. And from Himalaya. And the feelings I lived actually were not so different from the one I had in the Cambodian jungle and in the Moroccan desert. And this breath of Nature was the same. And the amazing discover to have the opportunity to live this experience every time it make me feel happy. Just happy. And I never stop being happy for that! Enjoying Nature still is the best reason I have of being in the world.

Unfortunately the video I made is in Italian. Nevertheless the beauty of images are timeless and it should be able to give you an idea of the feelings I had.


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