Orsiera Solo Peak Climbing

The common image of the solitary hiker in the Alps, in Himalaya or in any mountain range of the world is

the one who wants to be away from everything and everyone. At least, that’s the cliché: a hermit in the middle of Nature that disdains the world of human beings and takes refuge through the peaks. Actually my feeling in being alone in the mountain cannot be further than this. Up there I felt blessed and in peace with everything and everyone. I feel closer than I feel when I live next to each other. Also the city, seen from outside, it’s less scary. Indeed, elicits tenderness. With its daily inconveniences, such passengers, so small …

In contact with Nature I feel part of something bigger that goes far beyond my person, my problems and also my feelings. Life, beyond life. It ‘s so nice to walk free from expectations Expectation of the others and of yourself. It’s like being far away from our desires. In mountain we have the chance to be the observer of the life from outside and no longer involved in an objectively not “controllable” life that often makes us feel inadequate.
Friday night, despite the lack of adhesions, I take Dolores, my Fiat Panda and I leave for my Alps.  Undoubtedly I prefer to go to the mountains in the company. However I discover, every time I am forced to “solitary confinement”, I feel it is not so bad to be in touch with yourself. The feelings are more vivid and  the attention is complete.

The aim of today’s post is familiar Park Orsiera Rocciavrè. This time, however, the goal is more coveted: the highest peak of the park, the Orsiera mountain (2890m). To get there the hiking start from the Val di Susa in the Italian Alps. I opt for this choice, when using the bivouac Orsiera at the Bergerie dell’Orsiera.

To arrive at the bivouac I left the car to the village of Pra Grangia (1200m) above Mattie, 50Km away from Turin. From here a beautiful trail which  in August is full of tasty raspberries leads to circumvent and go up the mountain and then enter the Orsiera valley. After the forest, 800m above I find the magnificent plateau below the north face of the Orsiera mountain.

Up here I surprinsgly discover not to be alone. Ezio Giuliani, from Chianocco  is up there with its camera filming the Alps fauna: snakes, deers, chamois, ibexes and wolves. Wolves are so rare and he could already film them. I light up a nice little fire and around 21:30 after have eaten something I am in the world of dreams.

The following day, the mist has vanished along with the darkness. The day is beautiful and after a frugal breakfast, I leave the hut for the summit assault. After climbing the first ridge I am at Pian delle Marmotte(2100m). Here there is still plenty of snow. I try to keep to the left and I ascend the steep slope that leads me struggling to reach the Orseria Pass(2595m). At this point comes the challenging part. A groove 40 ° waiting for me with his half-ice and half-crusted snow. Climb up, with crampons, is not easy. However arrival of the hill where I find the company of a chamois a little bruised. From here, after a little delicate rock climb I reach the northern peak, to enjoy a mythical landscape. Words to pictures:

Then, as usual it is time to get down: 1600 meters of negative altitude. Luck that there is still some snow, uphill enemy, proves valuable ally for my descent. And so from the hill to the Passo delle Marmotte going down is so easy.

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