Self Guided Hikes, Guided Treks and Assisted Hikes

Many asked me about the possibility of the Self Guided Hikes. The choice is up to you. In terms of costs, the difference is usually not much. There is a very detailed work on preparing a self guided hikes which are quite similar to come hiking with a guide. Moreover, the guide can always understand the situation and evaluate it in the process of the hike while in the self guided trek we need to define an exact itinerary before.

Generally, we propose Self guided hikes only in Summer and for experienced people. In the other seasons, it is impossible to evaluate what you can and what you can’t do: the weather and snow conditions are too important and most of the time it is important to be there and evaluate the mountain condition being there. So if you plan a hike between October and May we’ll certainly suggest you a guided hike.

If you plan to be in the mountains for 10+ days and you can’t afford either a guided or self guided hike there is a cheaper option: the what we called Assisted Hike it is possible to guide you to the mountain for a day and eventually guide you on the last day of the hike so you will not need transportation. We’ll leave you in a nice place where you can do day hike by yourself using the mountain village as an headquarter. This option is quite suitable all year round. The guide will evaluate the conditions and will suggest you the day hike to do from a mountain village. Also, the cost of this option will be quite cheaper. For this option just contact us and explain us that you want an Assisted Hike.

The Guided hike has many advantages: first of all, you’ll have someone next to you that can understand and evaluate the eventual risk knowing the Alpine environment for almost all year round. Also, the cultural aspects will be much more deepen if you decide on a guided hike. We are not a big company. We are a group of local guide very attent to do responsible tourism, bringing you to in small business in the mountains area where most of the time economy is depressed and there is no public transport. So without a car, you cannot reach. In terms of flexibility, doing guided hikes also allow more mountains itinerary. Unguarded huts are not possible in self-guide while we definitively do it in Guided hikes and is one of the strongest and cooler experience. The guided hikes also may allow you to meet new hikers. The groups are usually small(4-6 persons) so there will not be the feeling to be a number but everyone will get to know each other and we’ll end up the tour as friends. And hiking is a very nice filter. I have to say 99% of the customer coming from 63 nations so far they were extraordinary people. Mountains take out the best from us:)



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