Highest shelter in Europe: Capanna Margherita

Countless shelters, refuges and bivouacs populate the alps. The highest shelter in Europe is Capanna Margherita, at the Top of Gnifetti Peak (4554 m) in the Monte Rosa Mountain Massive. Here there are one the largest glaciares mass of Europe and sleeping in Capanna Margherita is an amazing experience. It’s like sleeping above the entire world. Hiking there is not particularly difficult: the path is not particularly steep even though a mountain equipment is required: harness, rope and crampons. If you have the chance to go you simply cannot miss this place!

This video refers to the old 2008 in an epic hiking sleeping in a tent at more than 3400m. Glaciers are slowly disappearing in the alps and this is one of the rare sanctuary where the perennial ice still remains in Europe. The dark side of this places are the very anthropic environment. I personally prefer other valleys, maybe less spectacular but much more wild and authentic in the natural beauty.


Capanna Margherita is famous also to be the highest library of Europe. The mission of this expedition was to deliver a book to this place where the tireless readers can enjoy the relax also at the top of one of the highest mountains of Europe. Culture and nature are often strictly related. Enjoy the alps!


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