Travelling in Italy in Summer and Fall – COVID Situation

I want to make an update about COVID situation in Italy. As you may read in the newspaper, Europe’s COVID number of cases is rising. But as hospitalization and intensive care unit are under control the limitations are quite small. Vaccinations apparently are doing a great job to reduce the complications of getting COVID and that makes possible travelling and have access to all facilities including hotel and huts.
You may need to do a test before coming back to your country (for example if you need to travel to US). This is available and we will help you to do it.
It is likely that the vaccination or a Green Pass where you can prove to be healed from COVID or you got the vaccination will let you access to any kind of services without much of problems for the next few months. So if you have the idea of travelling and go out in Nature: come to the Italian Alps!

Travelling in Italy in Summer and Fall - COVID Situation 1

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