2020 was not a normal year. One year ago, I hardly knew what “Pandemic” means. “Epidemic” was already bad enough. This is the year when everything was put into perspective. It brought up many problems that we had already as a society and as a species. And even though now we have good reason to think that with vaccines in launchpad, we could be out from this pandemic quite soon, we need to rethink everything.
Everything is relative
It is strange to think that “Soon” means months. If you think about “soon” one year ago it would be probably minutes, maybe hours. Now we would be happy to be out from this in months. COVID remembered us that we are still animals, that our ecosystem is fragile and that we are our worst threat. We are our only own competitors. So fierce and stubborn to not understand that we are destroying our habitat.
Many people lost their beloved. All of us were affected in terms of restrictions: movement, amusements, relations,… all what was our reasons for joy were affected by COVID-19. Trekking in the Alps was technically not dangerous. But rules are valid for everybody: and in order to stop the big wave of disease, Italy was in total lockdown for a few months this year. And even relation with nature was questioned. We have the chance to change our perspective now: we need to do it!
Nature, on the other hand, enjoyed our stress. Air was less polluted, wildlife more relaxed. We are the main threat to this planet, included us.
There are some interesting signals that we will change something in our perspective for the future. Energy Transition started to be move faster: China, UK, Europe and hopefully the US. There are some political positive signals in this sense. But what we need is a Mindset Transition. We need to change more. And everyone should change their aim.
What should be our Goals? Where to seek Happiness?
Starting to feel more like a simple animal be happy with more simple and sustainable goals: having a warm nest, having a nice family. Grow relations, not your salary. Chose according to the quality of life. Question yourself what makes your life better. Enjoying life besides what we reach and what we do not reach. Social pressure is big and Capitalism is the first religion that the whole world follows even though overspending means overconsuming and it is not possible to buy another planet. This is the one we have and it is amazing: if we destroy it it is our responsibility.
I love the movement of Fridays For Future. I think only teenagers can have the courage to change everything: we are too compromises. It is difficult to give back comforts, even when the comfort ruins your life: doing something you do not like, or spending time away from your beloved. Thinking about the future, not thinking about the present. People search for security in a salary.
This is quite harsh: are you ready?
If you want to think about the future, think about the deep future: we will all die. That’s the only security we have. This awareness will bring you back to the present. That’s our richness: we are alive. And we have the right and the duty to Live and enjoy life. Respecting the other being in this planet and keep the planet livable for the next generation. Understanding that our goals and targets have to be more reasonable. And maybe we will be all happier.
Ok, I just wrote some random considerations. It was just an outburst. It just came out in a few minutes. Do what you want with it:)